Thursday, August 6, 2009

Introduction to Fashion Design

- An Elective Module for Sec 3 NA/NT Students @ Tampines Secondary School

This is an introductory course specially customised as an NA/NT module for sec 3 students who would pursue such a career path or any other comparable design careers. It is a highly applicable course with hands-on in design of garments and exposure to the local fashion industry.

Students were taught figure drawing of human models and sketching of subjects for garment design. Next, they applied their ideas and concepts of various subjects chosen onto the human figures. Techniques of Manipulation and Stylization have been applied to realise the final designs. Various illustrative media were utilised in visualising their ideas.

They were also exposed to the local fashion industry with case studies of bridal couturier Silverlining and FrontRow’s commitment to promotion of local up-and-coming new fashion designers.

Students will be exposed to local context of fashion industry and informed of the development of fashion trend and its industry for the last 70 years.
Students will be taught sketching techniques on Figure Drawing and design techniques as inspired from various sources such as nature, architecture etc.
Students will be able to illustrate, stylise and compose their designs as a project.
Students will get first-hand exposure to the fashion industry from the industry tour.
Students will be able to present, express and review their final project.

Featured trainer:
Lim Jit Hwang
Design Consultant (Silverlining Bridal Couture)

Lim Jit Hwang is the founder and design consultant of Silverlining Bridal Couture which is established in 2002. It is a fine bridal consultancy firm which provides bridal image consultation and specializes in made-to-measure dresses and suits for to-be-wed clients.